Cost of Living Crisis

With the Cost of Living Crisis rising more than ever and inflation reaching its highest records this year, we’re desperately in need of food parcels to help support vulnerable people across the North East.

We are always seeing a change in our stock levels, but recently it has been a major concern and we need to do something to help the food levels rise again. It has occurred that thousands could be pushed into deeper poverty and hardship so it is a must to find a solution and to tackle hunger in the North East. We addressed the situation to a few of our groups who we deliver to in Sunderland to see how it has affected their organisations over the last year. 

Fightback Charity

Fightback Charity supports vulnerable individuals and families who experience multiple disadvantages arising out of their particular social circumstances. They run their own food bank and have adapted to the Cost of Living Crisis by providing support, advice, advocacy, mediation and representation in person and through social media. There was also a massive increase in the need for food support, as they are currently providing more than 100 parcels per week as the numbers are increasing weekly. Diana Lambton from Fightback said:

“When clients come every Monday and Thursday for coffee morning and ask for ready to eat food to take home so they don’t have to use gas or electricity, there is a problem. The welfare state is most definitely failing to protect vulnerable people”.

The Salvation Army 

The Salvation Army in Southwick, another group we deliver to, are already seeing increased need with more people seeking food parcels as they deal with rising costs. They are responding to the needs of people up and down the country who are struggling to feed their families, heat their homes or pay their bills. For many, the church and charity in the Southwick area is a lifeline offering practical support such as food and household items to ease the burden as well as educational opportunities and friendship. Graham Wharton, community manager, said:

 “The practical support – providing food parcels, toiletries, cleaning products, is a big part of what we do and will continue to do as we see the cost of living going up”.

Find out more about FareShare North East and the work that we do here.